Question for r/yandere

It’s a thing that I like in theory, having someone being obsessed with you, being obsessed with them.I strongly believe everyone is crazy in a certain way and making a relationship work is being ok with their crazy. For some it’s low level “I like a TV show a bit too much” but lots of people it’s more involved than that. My long list of mental health problems is pretty much a recipe for a toxic mess so I definitely profess to being guilty. I have a theory that love makes people evil anyway ( maybe just the depression talking) but it changes people and definitely not for the better sometimes.

So yes most people like this are fucked up IRL, I think more “normal” people like it fiction because that is what fiction is, it is a “safe” way to fantasise. You can put the book down, turn the TV off and not have to live with consequences of fucked up relationships.

IRL it is a nightmare, it is stalking, domestic/ sexual violence and worse. To most people it’s like putting your face into the cool side of the pillow, it feels nice for a while but then you realise you are going to asphyxiate if you stay there.

/r/yandere Thread