A question for the single/dating mums here.

I was single for a decent amount of time, now living with my boyfriend so...

What and how much involvement do your partners have with your kids?

While casually dating? None. If things got serious? Hanging out and going on outings with the kid, no kissing or groping in front of the kid but hugs and holding hands were cool. I never allowed anyone to enforce rules or suggest discipline until we started living together.

Do they want or have kids of their own?

I tried to date a couple single dads and those attempts were messes. I tried to avoid dating anyone who wanted a bio-kid because I have no plans of having another child, but that crossed over a lot with guys that were staunchly "child free", and well... Fuck that nonsense. My boyfriend has zero desire to reproduce but didn't mind that I was a package deal, so it works out.

How are they around your children?

Initially awkward, because wtf can you do with a toddler? As my son has grown up he's developed interests they share, so sometimes their conversations sound like a foreign language to me.

What are their feelings towards your kids?

They're a lot alike and tend to press each other's buttons, which frustrates my boyfriend. But he loves my son and wants the best for him.

How do they see themselves in your kids lives?

He's taken on the role of the other parent but he knows I will always have more say in anything that involves my son.

Is their bio dad in the picture?

Nope, bio-father barely saw my son before he ran off to the other side of the country 5½ years ago. We haven't heard from him in 5 years and I don't have a current address or phone number for him. Maybe one day he'll grow up and realize how badly he fucked up by abandoning his kid. Either way it's his loss.

/r/breakingmom Thread