Question from a foreigner

Systematic failure.

High voting population are uneducated.

Uneducated/lack credentials to get a job paying a living wage.

Voter defined above is thus easily bought and votes for corrupt politician. (starve or vote for me)

Elected politician steals from the people.

Thus, no money to fund necessities for the voting public like education/livelihood/etc.

No money for the public so voting population are in stuck in poverty.

Stuck in poverty with no hope in sight, making their votes easy to buy.

Votes for corrupt politician.

Politician steals.

No money left to run the government.

People are left to die in poverty.

Corrupt politician promises salvation.

Gets elected.


No money for its citizens.

Things may change if the enforcement of the law is strict. But it isn't because the leaders we elect to the government are corrupt. We have good laws. But what good do words do when you don't have a trustworthy entity to implement them?

It's easy to cast this issue aside because life in the Philippines is tolerable. Life in the Philippines could be worse.

/r/Philippines Thread