Question from a weak skinny guy.

but should I start with a bodybuilding style routine (moderate weight, moderate to high reps) for about a month or two to build myself up a bit before doing strength training again?

Yes. And no.

What you need to do, is to listen to your body. Someone with more insight into the medical aspects, might be able to give a better answer, but in short: Lifting weights puts stress on your body. It doesn't matter much if you do 5 or 10 reps.

What you do need to know, is that your joints and ligaments take about 7-9 months to get used to this increased stress. So while your CNS and muscles adapt rather quickly, you can quickly injure your self by just following a protocol you found online.

5x5 is a great routine, no doubt about it. But it's not for everyone, and no one should just do what some one online told them. You know your body. If you've done martial arts before, I assume you know how to move around and have some awareness of your body.

It doesn't matter how much or how little you lift, just listen to your body. What I do now, is that I need to do one lift every workout day. That is all I need to do.

For instance on bench press days, I go down and I spend 20-25 minutes bench pressing. I start with warm ups, and slowly progress into my 5-rep range. I currently bench 95kg for 5, so I work out with 92.5. This is a weight I know I can always lift, even on bad days.

After my bench pressing, I do some pulling moves. Just any pulling move really. After that, I either go home, or if I have more energy, I go lift more stuff up and put them back down.

There's tons of concepts out there, RPE (Rated Perceived Exertion), 2-in-the-bank prinicple etc. What it's all about, is knowing your body and listening to it.

For me, strength training is not my sport, it's a tool for my sport, so power lifters might disagree with me...

/r/strength_training Thread