[Question] How many of our (valid) complaints do you think will be solved before Destiny 2?


Man, there is SO much I want them to fix for Destiny 2. I'll make a point form list of things I really hope they fix for Destiny 2.

  • Story. There's tons of cool back story and they need to integrate it. And expand upon it. Give us a complex, compelling and entertaining story that we look forward to seeing the next chapter of.

  • Main story game play variety. The Run, shoot, ghost wait, shoot run cycle needs to break. You don't have to have inovative stuff like the sword of crota mission all over the place, but give us more variety within our abilities.

  • Level advantage. I shouldn't be killed equally easy by enemies my level or lower.

  • Character skill trees. There's no real point to them right now. The difference between builds results in such little difference, they might as well not be there. It could literally just be a choice between super types right now and I doubt the majority of players would notice a difference in gameplay.

  • Intelligence/Strength/Discipline. Same as skill trees. These matter so little there's no real point in having them right now.

  • Character classes. Same as above. There is a little more effect to the classes, but still, there's no real impact on gameplay. Even with what's there, at least with titan vs hunter/warlock (team shield vs attack), they could design raids/strikes to have importance for group composition. They really need to work on the importance of character classes, or just eliminate them.

  • End game gear/activity. The activities need to support the grind for gear, which also supports the activities.

  • Vendors. There are currently a bunch of vendors and they're all underutilized. Shader vendor? No point visiting her right now. Weaponsmith? Only for ammo synthesis. Ship vendor? Pointless. They need to make vendors interesting and compelling places to visit, for multiple reasons, or remove them / simplify them to offer critical stuff.

  • Factions. These need to be more than vendors. They need to offer quests and be points of interaction for other faction members. They need to be enmeshed in the story and gameplay of the game. They're completely underutilized right now.

  • A reason for our ships beyond unnecessary secondary and tertiary loading screen bragging. Or remove them.

  • Crucible. They seem to be fixing this slowly, and inferno is a great addition. Have a truly level playing field game type. Have a truly level advantage/weapon advantage enabled game type.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread