Question: How do I remain Indifferent to Beauty and Enjoy it at the same time?

The short answer is you can't and you shouldn't. A beautiful women is basically the most beautiful object in existence for a man. your brain is wired to release all kinds of good chemicals in her presence. women and society exploit this BIOLOGICAL RESPONSE. It's not really controllable consciously as it lies, like most else, in the unconscious mind. However, all is not lost, you can alleviate it and use strategies to not be controlled by it. For example, if I'm in monk mode, I don't look at women when out and about. This is because it gives me blueballs. Hence, I control my biological drive by not presenting women to it.

I've tried everything to beat this and it is unbeatable for the reasons above. Mindfulness, meditation can help a little but don't fool yourself, unless you go live in the mountains (same strategy btw that I detail above with just avoiding), it's not going away.

As a result, I say embrace it. Enjoy hot women for what they are. Interact with them in a normal way. Don't be needy. This you can control.

The older you get the less control they will have (less T). And the older you get the less exposure you will get to them - hard to even find when you enter the working world. They are plentiful in the college years but absolutely disappear thereafter in everyday life.

In conclusion, enjoy them. Don't beat yourself up for getting excited around a hot peace of ass. Enjoy it. Another downside of aging is that hot women don't elicit the same response which is a shame. I would love to get all worked up again like I did when I was young. It's a lot of fun to have that electricity surge through you. Not a lot in life that can do that and almost none when you get older.

Hope that helps.

/r/TheRedPill Thread