[Question] How do you tell the difference between depression and just needing to discipline yourself?

Go in nature alone, reflect on your life goals and your own philosophy. Try to become the person you want to have with you. Louis CK had a perfect sketch about this. Basically he said how he realized life was so futile and how all of us humans try to find distractions to avoid the fact that we are all alone, and how finally acknowledging this gave him so much freedom and happiness. Maybe you are the type of person who doesn't really care about much and wants to enjoy the simple pleasures, like a hot cup of tea or watching the sun rise. We are all raised in a culture where we are made to think that our lives are supposed to be special and unique and this leads to us being dissatisfied with the reality that we are just simple human beings. Think of how many famous movies are about a protagonist who is the "chosen one" and who lives a thrilling life and how many famous movies are about an average person's average life.

In short, our standards for a good life are often too high. You can be a happy person living all alone without any human contact and you can be a sad person around hundreds of people. Don't look outside to solve your problems, try to look inside.

/r/getdisciplined Thread