Question again looking for more engagement

Thank you for your response, I’m still trying to wrap my head around this. So let’s say it’s a Nmother and her daughter. Let’s say the mother prepares every breakfast and dinner for the daughter, and in that process overfeeds her to obesity. Constantly brings out plates and plates of food and induces shame in the child. That means that the Nmom has to grocery shopping and as she’s shopping she’s thinking I am going to buy these 5 pounds of spaghetti to get my daughter fat. Is she saying that to herself, or is she saying I am going to buy these 5 pounds of spaghetti to feed my child and I have no bad intentions. I mean, it takes alot of decisions and planning to execute this type of behavior in the long term, a lot of observing the child eat and reacting by providing the extra plate at the right time. So then, when you say they have a narrative and warped reality, you are I guess saying that they do not recognize that they are abusing the child. Like that doesn’t register. Not in the way you would think like oh I’m going to put sunscreen on because it is good for my skin and prevents cancer, they are not thinking that?

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