A question on the Turko- Kurdish situation from an American.

Well you have to know that before Kurdish political parties were not allowed to exist. All were just claimed to be PKK. The latest so called "terrorist attacks" were not done by PKK, but by another group. The taking over of cities and neighbourhoods is also not done by the PKK, but by youth movement and not even just Kurdish ones. The PKK, nor Abdullah Ocalan, has much power over these youth movement. They have their own will. There have not been any attacks on hospitals as of lately by PKK. Lately it was claimed PKK attacked a hospital, even though it was deep in Kurdish-Majority area. The hospital, according to locals, was bombed by the state. We should not forget the real reason to the ceasefire. Whether on purpose or not, the Turkish state allowed ISIS network all across the Rojava/Bakur border. Everyone living there knew it, but the state was simply not involved. Then when Turkish soldiers and police kept on being allowed to let ISIS cross over, the PKK acted. They shot not simple innocent poor Turkish police officers, they shot because they knew who was behind the suicide attack and mass shooting of civilians in Kobane from the Turkish side of the border. In Turkey PKK will not be allowed to exist, since their head is filled with dehumanising fairytales. Whether PKK supporter or not, I think almost no Kurd wants to live in such a situation as in Bakur. Nobody wants silly things like Kurdish language lessons, even though dead civilians have to be kept in refrigerators because the state does not allow the dead to be buried. The longing for independence can not be crushed and will only grow. Unless Turkey changes it's "kick it until it dissappears by itself" policy.

/r/kurdistan Thread