I have a question regarding the amount of people in their 20s actually having raw sex.

In my twenties every committed and exclusive relationship I've had we stopped using barrier protection within a few weeks. With my current partner I used barrier protection initially and while she was switching birth control. I haven't really asked but I'm betting this would be pretty representative of the experience of my friend group.

If you're missing out is for you to decide. Some guys don't care about condoms, some guys can't stand them. Me personally I find finishing inside a extremely intimate act as does my partner I think we would both be disappointed if I couldn't do it occasionally.

Emergency contraceptive is exactly that emergency the more you use it the less effective it becomes. Standard hormonal birth control if used perfectly is roughly 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. Perfectly being the keyword it's why my partner prefers an IUD no pills to forget and less side effects for her.

/r/sex Thread