[QUESTION] those of you with adhd how do you prevent it from ruining your guitar playing?

Hey man. I was diagnosed with ADHD at 12. I’m 24 now. My moms a doctor, but weirdly enough she really supports holistic and natural medicines. I say weirdly because most other doctors seem to resent all of those disciplines, dismissing them as pseudoscience. Anyways, she didn’t want to put me on Ritalin. She knew the permanent side effects one would receive and the like so she took me to this psychiatrist who specialized in adhd. Anyways the point is what they taught me about this quality (they described ADHD as a “quality”) is that although people with ADHD have higher concentrations of the “bad” brain waves (delta I think? They make you get distracted) they also have much higher concentrations of brainwaves that contribute to creativity, and ironically, focus. So the idea is that even though we’re at a disadvantage in one respect, if we overcome it, were at an advantage. I know this doesn’t really answer your question, but for a long while when I was younger I felt super bad about my ADHD. I felt straight up dumb. Well, it’s not the case. Keep rocking out dude

/r/Guitar Thread