[question] Women of reddit, if you had to describe to a man what sex felt like, how would you describe it?

Yeah - it's weird right? I mean guys could care less about a womans self image; it's all about the surface appeal that draws the initial attraction, yet here's a bunch of women suggesting that "looks matter less" than someone's "personality". LOL. Have another bong hit ladies. Strangely, not one of these "women" have offered any definitive proof that they're in a relationship with someone who is... "unattractive" and say, poor. And I'm serious about this - not a single woman in this thread has offered any proof that they're seeing someone who is considered (by conventional standards) "unattractive" and poor. Not one has said or offered proof (for example) that a part-time garbageman who smelled bad and was overweight was the best partner they'd ever had... gee - I wonder why.

It's one of those things guys laugh about when dealing with women - their capacity for self-delusion and hypocrisy. Face it ladies, you're aiming for the handsome money man, and any other outcome is considered a personal failure on your part. Stop with the lying; it's part of why guys like the poster above develop bad relationships with women; they start to believe you when you spout outrageous horseshit like "looks don't matter", then wonder why they're alone. Your attitude that "looks don't matter and it's all about what's inside" might make you feel bettter about hooking up with one of lifes losers from the male gender (and your friends are like, "what's she see in that guy?" and you're too embarassed to admit you aren't gonna do much better), but it doesn't establish your credentials for truthfulness for Mr Lonely Boy. Stop bullshiting yourselves and lying to others. You want good genetic material and boatload of cash.

You women are just as much victims of the psychology of the human animal as men are.

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