Questions about HIV, PEP, being supportive, etc.

Hi, I don't know if you intended this or not, but your comment is really aggressive, and that isn't at all needed. As I'm sure that you understand that it can be pretty stressful for someone to be going through this, and my friend is in a really bad place emotionally and mentally because of it.

I know that he is at low risk. The odds of this woman having HIV after having a lot of unprotected sex with a HIV positive partner, I can't say, but the odds that she gave it to my friend are low. That doesn't change the implications if she has given it to him, though, and that is what has frightened him: he had unprotected sex with a woman of unknown status who is currently worried that she herself has HIV. I'm pretty sure that I have no risk, but that is what I was asking, because my boyfriend is being very touchy about it.

I fully expect that he'll have healthy test results, but until then, PEP is making him quite ill, and I'm not sure that you read the question properly, because I'm not having sex with my friend. (And if my boyfriend is getting funny about me giving someone who I love a hug because he might have a virus in his blood, then he can keep away from me too.)

I can't take time off work to go to a doctor at the moment, especially as I'm trying to look after my friend while he is sick, but I didn't think that my symptoms were related, I wanted to check though.

You're being quite rude, and I don't know if you've thought about this, but in a frightening situation, people may be afraid to ask for help or advice, and your unkind attitude might frighten them off further. If you're a person who is knowledgable about HIV, then you might want to try to be empathetic when you speak to people, as you could be a valuable resource of knowledge and support to them, but if you have an attitude that is hostile, they might be afraid to ask.

I am not going to stop trying to look after and support my friend. He's emotionally and mentally a bit of a wreck right now, and that's when he needs support from people close to him. Especially as I'm the only person who he has told because he was afraid that if he told anyone, no one would want to be near him, which breaks my heart to think about. I'm glad he did tell me, though because he didn't know what PEP was, or want to go to the hospital out of embarrassment, and given that he is at risk, it is important that he is taking it.

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