Questions about my health/diet culture

Heyyy. So this is a tricky question ! Since I started my antidiet journey I have found out that being healthy / unhealthy is not as black and white as people make it seem. Even doctors most of the times tell you to lose weight to be healthy that can be completely wrong. It depends on so many things , how are your blood tests generally? How are your stress levels /mental health/ bowel movements etc. I think it's good to find a variety of choices of food that you like to eat and make you feel good. That doesn't mean eating only salads but if you think you're stuck at eating the same things over and over again and that doesn't feel good then you can try something else. Also if you want to know more about health and size there are so many books /podcasts / social media accounts that can help you understand a little bit more. I know that it's so hard when you have family members or people talk about what you eat and a lot of times it has personally made me question or change my eating habits but has never been positive in any way. Hope this helps a bit.

/r/antidiet Thread