Questions about recomp progress

If you like a lot of volume and want to get stronger, I highly recommend the programme nsuns 531 (there's a subreddit called /r/newsuns). It's an upper/lower split, based around squats/deadlift/bench/OHP. Every workout you do 8 sets of the main lift, followed by a variation of one of the main lifts (e.g. 8 sets of squats followed by 8 sets of sumo deadlifts) plus accessories.

I found it easier to progress than some of the more traditional linear programmes. Each set is different weights/reps so you work up to a heavy weight then lower the weights to do more reps on the following sets.

I feel like I didn't really do it justice in my explanation lol. Ask me if you have any questions.

By the way I can definitely see a difference in the pictures!

/r/xxfitness Thread