Questions about the solemn mass

However, I found that the sung Mass skipped the in nomine Patris, Psalm 42, Confiteor and a bunch of other things


Can someone explain why the Psalm and the Confession are taken out? And if so, what else is ignored in the Solemn Mass? Thanks!

I may be wrong about this so if someone can correct me please do and I apologize in advance ....

I suspect the reason psalm 42 and the confiteor (likely referring to the 2nd confiteor) were omitted was because the mass you attended was done according to the 1970 missal, not the 1962 (or earlier) missal.

Some differences between 1962 missal and 1970 missal (among others: - omission of psalm 42 - change in the lectionary - change in the offertory prayer - acclamation after the consecration - modified communion and conclusion rite -A different Confiteor and removal of the prayers after the Confiteor.(* see note) -Omission of the Psalm at the Lavabo and other Offertory prayers -Addition of several new Prefaces and Canons - Removal of several prayers in the Communion rite -Removal of the Last Gospel. -Abandonment of many genuflections, bows, and the recitation of the Gloria Patri at several parts of the Mass.

Many other changes/differences may be seen.

(*)AFAIK, The 2nd confiteor was actually removed with the 2nd revising of the rubrics in 1961 (published in 1962), which became what is called the “1962 Missal”.

However, diocesan clergy can vary in who says the 2nd confiteor and who doesn't when performing mass according to the 1962 missal.

Basically, they can choose to include St. Joseph in the cannon, or the 2nd confiteor but not both.

As far as I know, FSSP as well as SSPX always say the 2nd confiteor and since they use a 1962 missal therefore include psalm 42 (except during Passiontide I think?)

In other words, it may have been a Latin mass but it likely wasn't what most people refer to as a "traditional latin mass".

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