Questions about your relationship with food/your body (from an ex-anorexic who's forgotten what's normal - TW)

Hey, so I started being bulimic as a senior in HS and continued throughout college. I'd go through all the binge/purge/restricting nonsense. It's hard to say whether or not I'm recovered. I genuinely believe that I am, but an outsider might not.

How often do you "feel fat"? Only when I'm naked and looking at" stubborn areas" or if I'm wearing something that's not suitable for my shape. These days don't stress about fat anymore. Instead what bums me out is stuff that cannot be changed like height, bone structure etc.

How often do you look at the nutritional information of food before eating?

I used to look at everything for how fattening a food could be. I still look at everything, but I only care about the ingredients. I value real ingredients over artificial stuff, even if I'm buying something that is loaded with sugar or fat, I want the real stuff.

How often do you feel bad after eating something? (e.g. junk food, or a bigger portion than you needed) Almost never. I eat everything from home cooked meals to fast food and snacks. It's all food. The exception is eating too much at night (regardless of the day's total calories), then I get vivid, stressful dreams and will literally feel bad in the morning - bloated and like my veins are on fire.

Do you have an idea of how many calories you've eaten each day? If I feel like I've gained weight for no reason I'll track for a few days to troubleshoot and then forget about it. So most of the time, no.

If you exercise, how rigid is your schedule? I go myself maybe twice a month to the gym, and whenever my boyfriend goes which is really up to him.

If you eat something you think you shouldn't have, or randomly feel fat one day, how much does it dampen your mood? See that's the thing, there are no more "shouldn't haves" anymore. When I don't feel bad for eating a certain food, I won't overeat it anyway. I'll eat anything but if I accidentally have too much and feel bloated, it's not the end of the world and I can adjust the next day.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread