Questions for bros who like guys a little overweight...

I find roundness and a belly sexy. I like calves and a big arse. Not into too much muscle.

Not only that it doesn't appeal aesthetically, it's just not useful for anything. So it's just narcissism. I used to be a wrestler and the super muscled guys were always getting injured and couldn't move fast enough. I'd beat them 9 times out of ten.

However if I say anything related to 'roundness' or a belly on a profile, I get guys who are 22 plus stone contacting me, which is not really what I mean.

The problem with it dating-wise, is that I walk ... a lot. Five and often ten miles daily. My exercise is principally walking and long sex sessions.

I believe this is what Father Nature or God or whatever, intended people to do with their bodies. Gym ? Nutrition 'supplements'? Cars ? ... I don't effing think so.

If a guy can't walk on the surface of the planet and cannot breathe its atmosphere, eg, always blowing up and having to use an inhaler, or whining about how we need to get on the tube, it is not going to work.

I am probably not a particularly sympathetic type.

/r/askgaybros Thread