Questions regarding banking and Eve (school paper)

Ok, I am a little sick of the idea that no banking happens in EvE. It is true, that nothing approaching retail banking has ever really worked. However, there is an enormous amount of project finance, asset backed lending and private banking that happens in eve.

One of the big bloggers even up until fairly recently had used something similar to project finance to get a fairly large capital production line off of the ground.

Asset backed lending is used all the time by major market players who need immediate liquidity to either take another position, manipulate the market or exit a position. They will often post the assets of a longer term position as collateral against the loan.

And then private banking is a bit rarer, but it often happens between wealthy groups who know each other (such as merchant groups or higher ups in alliances). This generally takes much more trust though so it is limited to very tight knit groups or incredibly trustworthy people. If /u/Chribbax needed a loan for example I have zero doubt that he could get one.

/r/Eve Thread