Quick and easy way to make edibles that can last a long time unrefrigerated?

Man there are so many I don't even remember which one I used last time lol. Just use the one you prefer, compare some online.

Make sure to fully decarb your weed/wax, then heat it up in coconut oil (double boiler setup) for 1 hour at lowest setting.

If you used weed, strain the weed from the coconut oil using cheesecloth.

Then melt your infused oil with your chosen gummy mix.

The best is to use wax because you will need less coconut oil to absorb it, unlike weed that takes up a whole lot of volume, so you need more coconut oil to fully cover it. Less coconut oil in your gummies will result in them being more shelf-stable and they will be harder.

Idk if that was clear I'm high asf. Cheers m8

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