A quick PSA for those twitter warriors.

To add to your point: my group mostly plays PvP games, and the last few times we played SoT, PvP was an afterthought.

On launch it was great. There were a ton of good and bad players in the mix. The last few times we’ve played it’s been almost exclusively families or people on controllers (no hate to consoles but mouse and keyboard seems to be too much of an advantage in this game) so the PvP is almost completely one-sided. I’m sure there’s a ton of good players out there that could farm us, but PVE ended up being much more entertaining than looking for them.

For a group that’s been PvPing together in games since WoW’s Wrath of the Lich King, we’d probably jump back in more consistently if we knew we could just forego the group of kids who attack us while doing tall tales.

/r/Seaofthieves Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it