Quick Rental Revenge

The point being when you get so restrictive to price your properties outrageously

My units are priced at 90% of market value per sq ft in my area. Not outrageous.

and require, as you mentioned, perfect credit

Nowhere did I say I require perfect credit. In fact, I use a service called ScreeningWorks.com. I submit the tenant application to them. They return a score of either "No risk" or "Risk" (or something like that). That is what I make my decision based off of. I never see the persons credit report, FICO score, bank balances, nada.

But your situation there is a powder keg and all it will take is one savvy con artist - or someone you genuinely cross - to blow the whole thing up.

I appreciate the concern, but it's totally misplaced. Anyone who likes the unit and wants to apply is free to do so.

*And I've worked as a rental agent in a state with very firm rental laws more on the side of the renter's. Maybe your laws are more lax. I do know in my state, private renter's tended not to be aware of some pretty basic laws regarding discrimination, such as companion animal laws.

I don't discriminate at all, and am well aware of discrimination laws. I've rented to men, women, blacks, whites, asians, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, divorcees, old, young, and families with kids, people with cats and dogs (large and small), atheists, religious, VISA holders ...

I know I have a large post history, but at least once or twice a month you should be able to find a thorough and detailed post where I am helping either a tenant or landlord to navigate the laws in dozens of states, with links to laws sample letters to write, and so forth.

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