A quiet morning

Tokuji sat in the office he had assigned himself. He was bouncing a ball against the wall and catching it as he thought of the Squad. At some point Zero Division would have to contact him in order to make things here official. The question was, when?

It was then that the phone on Tokuji’s new desk began to ring. His initial instinct was to ignore it. But as the ringing became more and more annoying he picked it up, putting the receiver to his ear to hear who was on the other end. It could be important he supposed. He didn’t say another initially though, and would wait for the person on the other end to speak first.

“You are to be summoned to the Shin’o academy by the Zero. Please do not be late. We will be assessing whether or not your group will be made into an official squad. You have 30 minutes to arrive. Goodbye”. It was rather abrupt but the phone on the other end was put down. Tokuji didn’t even manage to get a word in. But, he supposed he should probably be on time for once. It would negatively affect his objective to be a Captain if he was late. He immediately set out to leave.

Arriving at the Shin’o Academy for the first time since graduation, Tokuji wasn’t entirely sure where to go. He had been at the graduation event, but didn’t partake in it. He hadn’t even actually graduated from the Academy; he was merely made a Shinigami because of his high reiatsu status as a prisoner. As such he didn’t know his way around the place. Hopefully he would be recognised; though he was still 10 minutes early. Surely Zero Division would be aware that he wouldn’t know his way around. They must have records of him or something.

A few minutes later a man in a white haori called for him. Tokuji observed the man. He carried around a certain air of authority. He could not be mistaken for one of the first Shinigami who had set up this academy. The power contained within him was immense; Tokuji could sense that. He led them to a small room and gestured for Tokuji to take a seat. He did so, and the Shinigami took one opposite. He began to speak.

“So, the days of an ex-pretty criminal becoming a Captain are here. You have made a lot of progress in the last few months, and that is why you sit here now. We have also had recommendations from other Captains who have vouched for you. And your Lieutenant has been interviewed and briefed. All that remains to be seen is you. Your Squad the STG will need close management, but I believe they can be a positive force for the Seireitei. Your improvements over the last few months have shown you may be strong enough to lead them in power. But will your character be enough?”

Tokuji interjected. “I may not be the friendliest, but frankly why would I waste my time with that? Leadership doesn’t necessarily entail that my men must like me. They must respect me enough to follow my orders. And yeah, I believe that will be so. Once they see what expertise me and my lieutenant hold, there will be no question. I feel in the STG that some level of distance with the men will be needed. In this unit being too friendly with them means that sensitive information could be accidently compromised. That isn’t something anyone wants at all. So will I be warm and receptive to the men of the STG? No. But that is what makes me perfect to lead it”, said Tokuji.

The Zero Division member remained silent for a few seconds, but eventually spoke in a slightly deeper voice. “That remains to be seen. But for now, your Squad is approved. Take this Haori and wear it; you are now a Captain.” He handed Tokuji a box before rather hastily leaving the room. Clearly he was a busy man. And then Tokuji was left alone in the room. Or Captain Tezuka or whatever he was called now.

He headed back to the Division 9 headquarters. He wasn’t wearing his coat just yet. It would probably be better if he put in on in front of all the men; just to show his dominance or something. He went to his Lieutenants office to discuss further plans now that they were official.

/r/SeireiteiRP Thread