Quit bringing other writers down.

In all honesty, I think there’s a difference between shaming and venting. If you’re upset about something then you have the right to share your emotions. Everyone’s feelings are valid. I’ve felt disheartened when something of mine doesn’t get likes but I don’t talk badly about the readers. I tend to talk to a close friend who knows I do this and they support me through it. I once believed people didn’t want to read my story because I was actually terrible at storytelling or I wasn’t doing something right. This is much worse when you have anxiety. More people go through this feeling than you think. It’s normal and something we should be more supportive about. I’ve seen the most popular authors in my fandom talk about how they’ve wanted to delete everything because of the stress it can cause trying to please everyone. You have to learn to do this for yourself, though. If writing brings you joy in life then continue you doing it, but don’t focus so much on receiving validation from others. People never typically become a success overnight.

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