Quitting job after 11 weeks of training

I deleted my original comment before yours popped up. Its kind of useless, but I feel like a comment deserves a response.

You ask me to read what you wrote, but you refuse to read what I wrote. I advised the OP to follow at-will protocols, and sever their ties with their employer. Nothing more, nothing less.

You keep talking about being a dick or mean to the employer, but its not, if the employer wanted a different relationship they would guarantee a notice or layoff period in their contract. Outside of union roles, I have never seen this in an employee contract or handbook in over 20 years.

So why does the employee have to follow a different set of behavior than the employer? Why do they need to give them market intelligence, or anything, especially for free. Why do they have to stay there one second longer than they want to? The employer certainly would not let them stay at work a second longer than they wanted.

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