Quitting Poshmark after almost 6 years

Thank you! My dad worked for the US gov. for almost 37 years and it was a good career choice for him. The benefits were amazing too. I've heard that the benefits are not as good as they used to be. But I'm hoping they are still better than what's offered in the private sector. I'm mainly thinking of the health insurance costs per year. I have a USjobs account, but haven't updated it in quite some time. I'm going to revisit it and see what I can apply for. About 10 years ago, I was an Army contractor in a field I no longer want to do. I actually took a bunch of time off to travel and to use the working holiday visas to New Zealand and Australia. So I'm not really sure if I am even hirable anymore. But I am going to try. Thanks for the tips and info though!

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