r/animemes goes nuclear as the mods set it to private due to doxxing attempts

Honestly, this whole situation is stupid and has been a dumpster fire since the start from all sides.


Why are some of the animemes mods moderating an anime subreddit when they've gone on the record to say they hate anime and it's community? You don't like moderating an anime subreddit and the responsibility that comes with being a mod then leave. This whole situation could have been avoided if the mods did their job and communicated stuff. I don't know how the mods could have mishandled the situation worse.


Bunch of people who know nothing about the situation who insult anime watchers with slurs seems pretty hypocritical to me. There have been probably countless insults in history, where do you draw the line? Context is very important and to blanket ban something is either ignorant or lazy. Bitch can be a female dog or it could be an insult. "Trap" can be a straight male character in anime that tricks the auidence/main character into thinking their female or it could be a derogatory term to dehumanize trans people. Also please do try to keep in mind fiction does not equal reality.

Trans subreddits:

Some members helped brigade animemes and fanned the flames more. If you don't like anime and how they use words don't go on to the subreddit? Like the reason we have subreddits is to seperate content up. I didn't go on watchpeopledie when it was around because I didn't want to see that content but that doesn't mean I asked for it to be banned.

Animemes Community:

Obviosuly the entire community didn't do or support this but don't doxx people and don't turn the entire situation into some war for karma just move to a different sub once you realize that the mods have no intention of interacting with thier community.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread