/r/Atlanta Random Daily Discussion - June 23, 2015

Hey guys, so I know I always bombard our subreddit with epilepsy themed stuff. I'm basically the epileptic bitch of /r/Atlanta, which is cool and all, but thank ya'll for humoring my seizin' ass.

Even if you don't have epilepsy, have any of you been on a extremely important time sensitive medication and thrown up afterwards? My doctor's office doesn't open until 9, and I'm scared I'm going to have a seizure by then because I already feel it coming.

I'm going to cross post this long ass post from /r/Epilepsy I just made, but please bare with me here. I promise I'll stop bitching if someone gives me some anecdotal advice!

Ps you guys are the shit.

Warning: long ass desperate, sad sack plea ahead

So last night a good friend of mine totaled my car (obviously I can't drive, but I was hoping to sell it), and the stress along with a slight cold has led to me throwing up for the past 10 hours.

I know that seems dramatic, but in extreme circumstances I work myself up and it's similar to a panic attack. But I was late taking my lamictal and vimpat last night, so I took my dosage this morning around an hour ago hoping that it would cover last night. However I was throwing up ~30 minutes of taking last nights medication, and I threw up twice immediately after taking my dosage this morning.

Have you guys ever had an experience like this? I've been having auras (deja vu, depersonalization, olfactory hallucinations) and that feeling of your stomach dropping for the past 4 hours. The stomach dropping doesn't feel like nausea, it feels like I am going down a roller coaster's peak. I'm waiting for my neurologist's practice to be open, but that is approximately 3 hours away and I'm scared I will have either an absence or tonic clonic by then.

Please give me some anecdotal experience or a metaphorical pat on the shoulder because I'm kind of freaking out.

Edit: Just to clarify I have temporal lobe epilepsy which can generalize into an absence followed by a tonic clonic if it is a long absence

/r/Atlanta Thread