r/badchoicesgoodstories argues about two things: whether a gun is a tool, and whether a republican is a nazi.

Actually, forget that. I just went to check your comment history again, to make sure I wasn’t misunderstanding someone who just asks a lot of questions(and I wasn’t, continuing further back there’s just more and more), but I did discover that you’re an ancap who doesn’t believe in welfare programs! You won’t have to worry about me replying to you at all now, I can understand that you’re never going to have your mind changed on any of this because anyone who believes anarco-capitalism is anything more than a joke ideology is beyond saving. Might as well say you believe that climate change would be solved is everyone just was educated about it, clearly all the politicians, people and companies who are fighting tooth and nail to prevent their profits being lowered by environmental policies are just misinformed and don’t know they’re doing harm! I’m sorry, I just can’t take anyone who believes ancap is a real ideology seriously. Like really, “Market controls have their origin in the leftist idea that it’s possible for law makers to rationally design an economy, but this always creates worse unintended consequences.” Is one of the funniest sentences I’ve ever read, holy crap! You couldn’t be less economically literate if you tried.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent