/r/BravoRealHousewives daily OT thread. Today is July 19, 2018

The weirdest thing happened yesterday. My husband and I are spending the summer with my in laws in their vacation home. We decided to go to happy hour and my MIL asked us if it was OK for her to invite her neighbors (we shall call them Dick and Jane). She called them up, they accepted the invite and agreed to meet at the location at a certain time. Pretty standard convo. Later on Dick and Jane inform my MIL that another couple would be joining. The more the merrier, it's all good.

We arrive to the bar a few minutes early and get a table for six. Dick and Jane arrive shortly BUT sit on the other side of the bar. My FIL goes up to them to tell them, "hey guys, we are here and we got a table for six we already ordered some oysters, come get it". Dick and Jane tell my in laws that they will stay put and enjoy the evening with the other couple.

So odd. We could see them on the other side of the bar, I kept my eye on them and the "other couple" never showed up. Dick and Jane left probably 5 minutes before we did.

It makes me feel bad for my in laws. Fuck dick and Jane for being super weird. They should've cancelled and sneak into a different restaurant with their "other couple" friends.

/r/BravoRealHousewives Thread