r/cocaine more knowledgeable/accepting

They're absolutely right in the dangers this top tier drug can cause. Addiction, death, blah blah.

Most of us are numb or used to the risk or we do our best to stay out of reach of it's fatal grasp.

People in drugs either experiment across the board on special occasions or do light drugs exclusively like weed. Some of the negative comments they gave you may be warranted by fact, born from fear or silly and over exaggerated.

They're just different. Right or wrong in the end I don't care for any drug subs, not even r/opiates. Some good comes from them but there's a lot of bs. Here it's just more precise, maybe better mods are to blame, but we don't get silly posts besides fearful first timers worried they'll lose their nose from 2 lines. I feel like that's as bad as it gets here so I think we have more maturity.

Don't feel bad. Our comments have more weight and personally I would only use the drug sub if you need to get answers from a bigger audience or information. I only go there if I can't find an answer to a question here or on google.

/r/cocaine Thread