is this r/complaining now ?

Once you figure out how legitimately retarded some of his oldfag community is its pretty clear that it's just trolling and less actual SJW complaints.

It's the same people who try to racism bomb him and incite a new witch hunt every other day on this subreddit. They're just actual adult retard shut-ins and high school and college kids who are still experimenting with being edgy as they try to build their identity. Let's not forget that he pisses a lot of people off and Internet retards just love getting safe, anonymous revenge.

It just sucks that some of his community have to be such miserable retards over everything, oldfag and newfag alike. It's really holding him back because the SJW types stress him out and the hateful alt-rightfags block him out of a lot of good opportunities to grow.

But hey, what's new. Content creators in every form of media are starting to talk about how self-centered, retarded fan bases think that they're entitled to control the content nowadays and it's only getting worse.

/r/Ice_Poseidon Thread