/r/Conservative discusses the debate, it goes about how you expect...

You are not wrong about that last bit. So you have chosen death, for that is the destiny of pacifism in conflict with militarism.

It is the way of things, I suppose.

The Meek shall inherit the land—said the Wolf. And you think, Wolves kill, and I don't want to be a Wolf, which means I shan't kill.

But the Meek are misled. What makes the Wolf a Wolf, is their love of killing, their embrace of it as a lifestyle, forever seeking battle, forever seeking prey. The Meek are taught to revile violence, to fear imagining what it must be like to be a Wolf--lest they stray from the path and become a Wolf themselves!

You say your violence will benefit rich white men. Will you not consider who your pacifism will benfit?

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