"r/conservative is a white supremacist sub" [+102] - "Conservativism in the west is inherently a white supremacist ideology" [+90] - "Conservatism everywhere is inherently supremacist" [+35] /r/AgainstHateSubreddits

I’m Ukrainian and Cuban. I am a capitalist. I am not in a concentration camp.

You may not be, others are. See how that works?

You know who did put Ukrainians and Cubans in concentration camps? Their own communist governments.

What do you mean by concentration camps? If you mean prisons, then yeah sure. I agree prisons are very bad. I’m not sure what your point is though. There have been studies on the gulags. You can see how many people were in them in comparison to places like the US or or authoritarian capitalist regimes. I’m happy to go through the numbers if you want.

Ukrainians who fought for a free Ukraine during the Russian civil war were sent to gulags in the hundreds of thousands.

It’s pretty common for people who try to overthrow the government to be sent to prison afterwords. What do you think it would happen in the United States if you did that?

Cubans who wanted any form of personal freedom or expression were killed.

Dissidents in the US were also killed. It’s very unfortunate aspect of state power that I agree should be decreased.

What happened when those same Cubans crossed an ocean and arrived in a free country?

Not what happened Haitians did the same. What of it?

So stop glorifying systems that have failed time and time again and stripped the rights and freedoms of a innocent people.

Right after you do the same I will be more than happy to. I want to have a fact based conversation and you want to talk in hysterics.

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