/r/Depression Weekly Check In

Reading buk has me feeling like I thought it would. Sad... And Alone and like I'll never have what I want... I'm broken and sad and alone. My hearts breaking at every angle... Whars the point.... There isn't... Nobody needs me... She certainly doesn't and my little brother doesn't either... My hearts beating at a million miles a minute... I'm coming apart... I am... It hurts... I'm tearing at the seams... This might be it... Km in so much pain... J don't know if I can make it through tonight... Ah... If only... If only life was just a little bit different... I'm just a nobody... a nobody... I have two pieces to my heart... And they both hurt me in different ways.... They both do... And It sucks... I have nothing and nobody elae... Its just them... My heart beats for them... And I'll love them both more than they'll ever love me.... They don't get it... They dont know... They don't know. I love you both with all my heart and I wish things were different... I feel like thus is the last crest on this wave... I want to hold on for you both... I do... But the stitches on my poorly put together body are coming apart... And I'm free falling... Fuck...

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