r/europe loses their heads over the story of a French teacher being decapitated

Please tell me about all the hate crimes those poor european muslims have experienced in the past ten years. I'm sure it is comparable to the yearly mass shooting, the truck drive in Nice that killled over 90 people, the bataclan slaughter, the terror attacks on christmas markets all trough europe, the assasinations of Islam critics, the bombings in Molenbeek, the terror attacks in trams, trains and the lovely Manchester bombings. Please tell me how people that were molded in a society that gave them a home, a house and free schooling opportunities and still decided that murdering fucking kids was the way to go are the real victims here. Do you know that over 30 percent of the youth in france is in support of the beheadings? Do you know that in most countries in Europe a big majority of muslims are in support of the implementation of Sharia law? How can you claim that these are actions of lone wolves when the pillars of the believes that they kill in the name of are supported by the overwhelming majority of muslim immigrants? Google antisemitism in europe and tell me, is it the neonazis that are on the rise again or is it muslim intolerance? I think you know.

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