/r/Fantasy - Daily Recommendation Requests and Simple Questions Thread January 10, 2020

On the back of Hiugregg's post yesterday I'm looking for some criminally underknown or little known but stellar fantasy works to fill my Kindle for my honeymoon!

I read a LOT of fantasy (love Daniel Abraham, Sanderson of course, Lawrence, Abercrombie, Islington, and of course Scott Lynch) so I already know most of the big names and the most anticipated up-and-coming. Already TBR works like Gutter Prayer, Ed McDonald, Evan Winter. I'm generally down for any aspect of the genre as long as it is well-written!

Can't stomach YA anymore unless it is really lite on the romance. Hate badly written female characters. Did NOT like Peter V. Brett and while I enjoyed the start of Weeks' books could not finish them.

Thanks so much for any and all suggestions.

/r/Fantasy Thread