r/Femaledatingstrategy is a hate group. These women are clearly the problem, not the men who date them. Honestly, go have a look and cringe hard

I don't agree. They are just very strict when it comes to dating, especially on the first couple of date. It says everything about a man. If you like a woman, then you should naturally want to give a good impression and show her that you like her. Why would I be okay with a coffe date, paying half, then be expected to fuck him afterwards too? Of course from a man's prospective, it is a lot easier to put low effort into dating and just go on dates with as many girls as they can get, and hope to eventually find a girl that will accept that sort of thing. To me, if you can't even bring me to a nice place during our date, aren't willing to pay and be a "gentleman" to me, then this tells me that you aren't into me and that you arent going to be a great partner. I don't appreciate being treated like a random girl.

Fortunately this is just an American thing. I'm from Italy and guys here actually put effort into dating, so I don't really have any problems with it.

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