r/GME Megathread for Wednesday - July 28, 2021

Idea...why don't we do this?

Send a 5 person team, could be 3 guys 2 girls or vice versa down to GME HQ down in Texas to meet with Ryan C.

Purpose of the meeting is to inform Ryan of everything going on including the SEC, FUD, shills, Melvin, etc...

If we (our delegates) can convince him to declare a one time dividend for XX amount, that would be the impetus for starting MOASS.

Let's say the stock gaps up 50 or 60 points. That could be the start of a Rally that takes it to 500.

Once over 500, 1000 is doable and that is MOASS already- the start at least.

So, why don't 5 of us fly down and meet with Ryan and maybe 2 or 3 of his people and let him know what's going on?


/r/GME Thread