/r/jp accidently agrees with Marx

I am a philosophy minor and what you just posted is terribly inaccurate.

Socialism and Communism definitely share similarities in their belief of wealth distribution, but they have huge differences as well. It wouldn't be unfair to refer to them as both collectivist as well.

Communists don't believe in personal property, at all. Socialists don't share that same mentality, as they are generally fine with personal property, but believe in some sort of wealth distribution of varying degrees. Generally, socialism argues for the public owning the means of production, but not always.

Communism also argues for a violent overthrow of capitalism, where socialism, not always opposed to that, allows for greater flexibility of how its goals are achieved.

I for example, lean socialist, but am very opposed to communism and the ideas of Marx.

Speaking of Marx, you know he lays out a number of already existing forms of socialism, in the Communist Manifesto, and then proceeds to criticize them. Which would be odd if socialism = communism.

Please educate yourself before making such wild claims, or at the very least, explain your arguments instead of saying "cringe bro, read this".




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