/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for November 21, 2019.

Oh Facebook, why you do this to me? Early morning. Aiya. Guys, few days ago I made an Ig acc and also Facebook acc. Ig acc is just for the hiking pics I took, and the Facebook acc is mainly for finding sports groups that I wanna join. I logged in today, and Facebook suggested my ex of all people as someone to add... lololol. GEEZ. The profile pic was the pic of him I took in KL, fucking cool bcoz I was pretty much an alternate version of #BoyfriendsofInstagram.

I'd do anything to take a good pic of you so long I dont get myself killed or ... or harm other people. Yeah, fuck you Facebook. Fuck you. Also good morning nyets, I'm off to work now. Vroom vroom. Nasi Lemak Pandan 3 today bcoz I'm feeling rather bitchy.

/r/malaysia Thread