/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for July 03, 2021.

Single? Dude I’m just a kid these are opinions I am hearing from people my age. Of course there’s a lot more than just freedom of speech in fact if you look hard enough you could come up with infinite reasons. But I don’t honestly think the aspects are even close to be relevant. It’s easy to pack up and move at the expense of leaving your home country. Of course if a person was living in North Korea or a country like that’s at war then it’s very understandable. But for normal people you leave all the friends, family and probably more behind. You can obviously just come back and visit but it won’t be often. Furthermore you can’t really just “pack up and leave” as you do have to possess the value and skills for whatever country USA,Aus, New Zealand etc to take you in.

/r/malaysia Thread Parent