/r/MechanicalKeyboards What Keyboard, Switches and/or Keys Do I Buy

Gonna ask fresh in this new thread - is this (plus a soldering iron) good enough to desolder the pins from an OLED for a Corne PCB so that I can socket it? I assume if the OLED isn't socketed then the pro micro effectively isn't either since it rests on top.

Also, related to that, do you think I should just buy a new Corne PCB kit? Mine is all soldered other than the controllers/OLEDs but on one side the four holes for the OLED pins is filled in. I had the low profile mill-max sockets soldered in but couldn't remove them and since I had been working on it all night and was increasingly frustrated I tried to just brute force them out one by one while applying heat so now the holes are filled with solder and the remains of the pins from the mill-max sockets. Think that's salvageable with the linked pump or should I just count the first PCB as a $20 practice kit?

/r/MechanicalKeyboards Thread