R/MGTOW is disgusting garbage and im disappointed

Yeah, unfortunately I agree. I gave up on that community too. Is a shame because I do think it would be a healthy thing for more people (men and women) to remain single. But I was thinking they would be more Buddhist about and use that extra time for self reflection and meditation and just enjoying a more simple life. But nah, the mgtows are at war with an imaginary enemy. I can only sympathize with the ones who say their lives are destroyed by divorce and they lost access to their children and that sort of thing. But that's not an inherent flaw in women. They married the wrong person (and the laws are fucked up regarding child custody/ support). I thought mgtow was going to be a sort of philosophy teaching guys not to be so desperate to get into a relationship so that doesn't happen. A lot of people judge their own worth by their ability to attract a mate. Mgtow COULD have been an antidote to some of that.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread