
How can someone who has actually studied unbiased history, not what their social studies professors have preached, but actual history, actually believe these things?

Professors aren’t really the problem. The problem is the students. Unfortunately most students aren’t gonna come away from studying history thinking “man, this Hitler guy is great!” or “wow, look how much money European companies made in Africa!” If you want people to stop “believing these things” you have to just stop teaching history altogether. Replace it with “patriotism class” or some shit.

Wondering why there are so many socialists in the humanities is like wondering why there are so many capitalists in economics. It’s a fucking stupid question.

people here on Reddit who are clearly teenagers or low twenties at best, talking about how evil capitalism is

“You stupid millennials complaining about your crippling debt and lack of job opportunities since the Great Recession. Back in my day, I paid my way through college with 20 bucks and half a postage stamp. I bought my first house when I was 13!”

/r/coaxedintoasnafu Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it