/r/politics made a bot that identifies The_Donald users

Hillary Clinton's subreddit is competitively tiny and honestly I don't even think I've seen it in months. Who gives a shit about their policy when we're comparing TD and politics?

There's a million other subs that cater specifically to liberals/anti Trump folks right now so I can't speak for all of their banning policies. Amongst all of those subs though there's not one that comes close to being the central hub and 'face' of a coherent movement the way TD serves that purpose on the other side, and TD is fucking garbage.

Even if you're 1000% right, even if politics and TD are exact counterparts but liberals are too hypocritical to admit it, I'll take politics every time. You may get downvoted to oblivion but you're not instantly banned for dissent. Shit, politics allows brietbart and doesn't even need to auto tag it with some passive aggressive horseshit like most of the right leaning subs.

The fact is that your community is a highly motivated and organized minority of users on this site. You hate politics because you're constantly drowned out anywhere you can't slap people with the ban hammer. The only thing you can do is bitch about the supposed hypocrisy of liberals daring to outnumber you on Reddit.

/r/ShitPoliticsSays Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com