/r/politics moderation in a nutshell: hate crimes by Trump supporters? perfectly allowed. Hate crimes against Trump supporters? completely removed.

Just saying you agree with Trump on anything risks your comment getting deleted on many sub

But this is changing the subject. Please supply a specific example. I've done so. Go into /r/The_Donald and get them to stop banning people. They ban - not for saying anything negative about President Trump, but instead for not immediately agreeing with catechism delivered by an abuser. The abuser insults and then demands that I say other person is a 'criminal."

That's really wrong. It would be great if we could stop the mods in /r/The_Donald from doing that, from enforcing the view of content policy violating abuser and forcing someone to agree with them.

They demand others to support some random violation of due process of law.

For them to give up shouting about censorship when they censor - that isn't good enough. They have to end the ban.

Here's what.. .to be believed by me that the sub has a purpose, get them to end the ban.

Note that some 40,000 redditors have stated that they would prefer that the sub who bans people "for nothing" (which is what that amounted to) NOT be included in /r/all.

It doesn't matter whether I support that or not. 40,000 Redditors have said this.

Not saying /r/The_Donald is innocent but it's a reaction to a symptom.

I'm not a "symptom." Stop the ban. The sub states "Stand up against Censorship." So here I am.

I'm standing up. Stand up with me.

/r/subredditcancer Thread Parent Link - imgur.com