/r/politics and /r/SandersForPresident is beyond salty that Bernie Sanders has lost the Nevada Primary

The fact that you keep trying to equivocate an essay about gender roles to someone who's actually raped people is sad. You seem like an intelligent person who is capable of reading comprehension, so I'll just write it off as reflection and denial of the Clintons' wrongdoings.

The fact that you equate saying women like being raped and only stayed home and cooked for their husbands to some enlightening piece on gender roles is sad. Like, you can't get more anti-feminist than that; 1972 is no excuse.

Bill of rape, Hillary trying to intimidate/silence. Look up Juanita Broaddarick's story

So Hilary didn't rape anyone, she's just responsible for her husband allegedly doing it. Why are women always to blame for men's actions?

She doesn't have any, right?

None that you've pointed out and backed with evidence.

You literally can't.

No, you "literally can't". Here, I'll talk about what I find to be Bernie's weaknesses. I think that Bernie hasn't done enough to show initiative for women's rights the way Hillary has (but I do not believe that he is against them).

He never voted in favor rape shield laws, never voted in favor of the Violence Against Women Act, and never sponsored one piece of pro-women legislation, and he thinks we enjoy and fantasize about being gangraped.

If he's not against women, no one is.

I think he falls into the trap of being too intersectional, and doesn't acknowledge the unique challenges of certain minority groups, and thinks everything can be solved through economic means.

That's a result of not being intersectional enough.

Do you have any for Hillary?

Do I get to dole out criticisms and then make excuses for them, like you? Because it kind of invalidates the point of criticism.

I could say the same thing about you. I put up evidence about what Bernie and Hillary both said about the videos.

You compared Hilary's intitial reaction to Sanders two month later quarterbacking. Why not compare both reactions in the same timeframe? Because sanders was silent at first and Clinton later condemned the videos when the truth came out. She didn't even endorse them outright, just said it was disturbing.

I didn't link you to Bernie's voting record or stance on women's rights but they're right there for you to google them.

As is Hilary's.

I get that you're upset about him calling PPH the "establishment"

Right, because I volunteered at PP as an escort; PP is under attack daily, but some rich white guy from the suburbs in Vermont says they're "establishnent" and his fanbase just eats it up. Difference between actual supporters and fair-weather social media slacktivists I guess.

but to paint him as someone who "attacked"/doesn't support Planned Parenthood is just false,

Not according to Planned Parebthood.

but I guess the evidence of him supporting reproductive rights and women's healthcare is irrelevant to you.

Hilary's superior track record was irrelevant to you. Remember what you said? "We can seperate our critiques".

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