/r/redacted is censorship free

You know people that weren't banned, and I know people that were. I don't use this account on T_D nor do I think I've ever posted using this account over there, I use throwaways for that... as many of us do.

I'm genuinely curious though what I misspelled. I haven't edited that post either. Please let me know what is so so badly and poorly misspelled that you chose to attack my spelling and not counter the argument. I mean I'd understand if I butchered something badly but I'm not seeing anything....

There instead of their? That's not my comment it's a quotation from your comment that I replied to lol (and you used it incorrectly but you got your message across so who cares, not me).

Your made up stories would be more convincing if you knew how to spell. But as it is you don't bother to try. So how do you expect to make up believable lies?

You could have just as easily sent a rebuttal to my post that was a civil and friendly response rather than attacking my character over spelling and gotten a far better response back from me, we could have had a good conversation (i found that genuinely funny though lol and still can't find a spelling mistake in that post). But it made me chuckle irl, thanks! :D

If you didn't get banned but many people I know did get banned, you're going to tell me that it's a made up story? (that would be more convincing if I hadn't misspelled something I still can't find misspelled)? That's quite the ego you got their buddy. Lol my bad, you're totally right, nobody's ever been banned from T_D for a dissenting opinion /s yup.

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