/r/science mod leaks private correspondance showing how their 'racism in science' AMA was carefully censored to make sure only the right opinions remained visible.

/r/science is an absolute cluster fuck because of overmoderation

I was allowed to remove comments for a bit being one of their mod underlings, got to see the inner turmoil and posts like this and removed comments... eventually I got so sick of the bullshit that I intentionally disabled my mod abilities and unsubbed from /r/science. It is the most elitist and censored subreddit in reddit.

You guys have no idea how much shit is filtered/censored. There is a lot of bullshit that gets removed, but it's filtered to only the most pristine comments that fit their agenda. One of the 1000 mods doesnt agree with something? Removed. Someone asks why? Insert bullshit reason which could just end up being "made anecdote without citation". That's all it takes. There's usually a mod or two that go on a comment removal spree and just wipe out entire trees of comments, sometimes legitimate questions.

They give sooo much more lenience to people with college degree flair talking about their field. Sure, that makes sense at some level, but basically if someone argues with them who doesn't have flair, they can get fucked in a second. It's some serious elitist shit. The college degree flaired people can freely comment on a subject like they're the authority on it, while anyone else has to basically cite a source to have their comment survive. There's no arguing with a flaired user.

I hate hate hate that subreddit. The vibe among the mods is so fucking toxic, so elitist. They give so much credit to someone with education flair. It's a huge circlejerk of people with college degrees basically.

There's even worse shit that I won't get into but let's just say "checking user's comment history" extends farther than you'd think, as in you might be fucked if you post in the wrong subs they blacklisted. They are the fucking thought police.

Some people love the sub because all jokes/puns and all that bullshit are removed, but I honestly don't think it's worth all the other drama they bring into it.

/r/uncensorednews Thread Parent Link - imgur.com